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Collaborative consumption

Collaborative Consumption describes the rapid explosion in swapping, sharing, bartering, trading and renting being reinvented through the latest technologies and peer-to-peer power in ways and on a scale never possible before. In the video what’s mine is yours; Rachel Botsman gives an insightful look into the world of collaborative consumption. Rachel Botsman starts by addressing the idea of what collaborative consumption is. She unveils how collaborative consumption, basically the idea of sharing goods in order to cause a less wasteful society, is a principle on which to solve so many of our world’s basic problems. After watching this video and seeing all the potential for collaborative consumption to be easily implemented in our lives I agree completely with its principles. When I think of collaborative consumption I think back to a time in American culture in when people looked out for one another, where if you were homeless strangers would take care of you. Even though this was culturally only accepted in the times of a great depression are these ideals not what today’s society should strive to be. Today it is so simple to come together there are now so many different organizations like freecycle, zipcar and zopa that collaborative consumption is at our fingertips. Let us as a whole not make waste of recourses so prominent and so available, instead let us allow ourselves to know each other better, allow us to come together more as a society rather than as individuals and let us strive to make our world better collaboratively.


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