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Companies behind your ideals

“There is one rule for industrialists and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.” This ideal helps promote Chip Conley’s ideas of business and society in his video ‘what makes life worthwhile. Chip Conley also discusses in his video presentation his take on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs by transforming it into a business hierarchy, the transformation period. This pyramid, Transformation success and survival, is not only his business but also his life order of needs. Conley puts together a good foot in order to promote his take on life and business. Unlike most business men Conley wants his employees to know and understand the mission of his company he wants to reach out to customer’s employees, members of our consumer society in order to have them understand a deeper meaning for companies. Like Conley I believe that for today’s consumer society to be sustained and for us as the human race to continue striving forward we must understand what we support and stand behind. I believe in the future of us as people, companies are striving to support good causes; consumers are striving to do well in the easiest way. Although it seems counter intuitive this process helps aid programs otherwise left behind and supports things like the environment in times when support is needed. We all need our own hierarchies to live by, and if companies can align themselves with our needs to improve the world then why should consumers not buy into support.


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