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How to change a child’s future

How do kids become entrepreneurs? How do kids learn to be proactive and to take it upon themselves to discover and to make changes in the world of tomorrow? In the video let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs; Cameron Herold takes a very different approach to answering this question. He describes how parenting kids in a certain way influences them towards being entrepreneurs and future inventors. Herold describes how not giving a child allowance and letting them hold jobs and have to think of new ways to obtain money helps kids be creative. Also rather than telling parents telling children bedtime stories having children make up their own stories at bedtime invites willingness for creativity. Much like Herold I agree that the way children are raised and educated has a looming effect over the type of adults they become and what they put into society. By pushing our children and future generations to be more creative through few parenting tricks it seems it is all worthwhile for a better future. Unlike all the videos and products on the market now that “teach kids how to read” and “unlock parts of their subconscious” Cameron Herold describes real free ways that logically make sense to allow children’s creativity to bloom. Very simple ways to drastically help change a child’s future in order to enable a child’s mind to be more imaginative seems like the right way to go.



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