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Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

Economic growth and environmental management are often seen to be at odds with each other. But that is not the full story. There is a serious attempt from businesses, more than ever before, to turn industry and other processes of growth environmentally sustainable.

There is a conscious attempt from businesses world over, more than ever before, to synergize industry with the natural habitat. Corporate diligence now extends to being conscientious about the environment, and many are going the extra mile beyond government policies. Reducing carbon footprints is a single-point agenda for businesses which are going out of their way for the same. Preservation of nature now reigns supreme on the minds of most corporations.

Some of the initiatives of the corporations have been to reduce harmful emission of toxic waste, effluents, bio-medical waste, harmful gas etc. in Air ,Water and Land.

Listed below are the steps that are being taken:

Initiative to reduce usage of non-renewable sources of energy like Coal, Petroleum.

Initiative to reduce wastage of (efficient usage of) natural resources

Contributing towards reduction in usage of water, energy and generation of solid waste.

Initiative for improving the ecosystem external to its regular business and not with the interest of earning profit.



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